album review: Champ

The first time I listened to “Champ” was a night after band practice where I had to return to work for several hours of footage loading and sorting. Taking control of another editor’s room, with the building practically to myself, I plugged my Macbook into the audio board and played it through the high quality speakers. After only a couple songs I was tweeting over how impressed I was by this introduction to Tokyo Police Club. Similar to the first spinning of my 2010 “album of the year” - LCD Soundsystem’s This Is Happening - I was sure I’d be playing this over and over in the coming months. Those first moments of a future favorite are magical. There's a curious awareness hanging over those introductory listens that one day you’ll have these lyrics, notes and rhythm changes memorized and yet for the time being they are still fresh and unfamiliar. When the riff of “Hands Reversed” first caught my attention, I assigned it a three-star rating in iTunes; a delineation reserved for songs I recognize, and in this case a song I knew I’d be recognizing soon.

Since that night, a CD-R copy has earned frequent rotation in my car’s stereo (as an uncommon departure from the almost constant playing of my monthly mix CDs) as well as recommendations to a few of my friends. The staccato notes and dramatic pauses of standout second track “Favourite Colour” have inspired a new song that I wrote for my band. Had this album been put out on vinyl, I would be wearing it out. I would drop it clumsily at 3:00 AM in a feeble attempt to keep my fingers on the edges. I would laugh and turn to whoever was watching me, making sure they knew that I was not upset at my accidental mistreatment. Any discernable scratches upon listening would be reminders of the great times they had supplemented. Even listening to this album from a plugged-in iPod, the nights spent in an alcoholic haze plastered with smiles would be soundtracked by laughter and the newest additions to my favorite songs.

For me, music invokes the moment a memory was made. With this album I feel a unique opportunity to affect a time I will one day look back on. That consciously choosing to put it on could elevate the impact of something as it is happening. Last week I was driving home from a first date and without even stopping to think I had swapped “Champ” into my car's stereo and was rolling down the windows. The chilly Spring air took a backseat to the haphazard keyboard noises of the album’s opener. My hand flicked toward the volume knob and turned it to the left. I remember how strange it was to see so many cars on the road that early in the morning. I remember a humidity in the air that comforted my mind, already hazy with sleepiness. I remember a warmth that was more happiness than forced air from my car's engine. I remember feeling alive and untouchable. The Summer of 2011 was already taking shape, in this late night atmosphere full of optimism. Full of music.

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