
TAPE - A spire
You're in Toronto. You've never been there before, and have just arrived by train. As you're walking through the station, surrounded by so many people you have never met, there is an excitement that blurs the line almost into fear. You have a backpack of carry-on and a suitcase rolling behind you. The majesty of the building you're in cannot hold you. You know it is time to venture outside into the city.

The air hits you with a wall of brightness. The white of winter and midday sunshine overcomes you more than the cold, until a gust of wind perhaps. The city surrounds you. Above you, around you and below you are thoughts and ideas. Architecture and design, people's clothing, the cars on the street, culture. So much has led to the creation of this one moment, passive to so many that you could not, standing there, understand. You are overwhelmed with everything before you, and your feet have decided it was best to walk you forward step by step further into the city. You came to Toronto to do anything you wanted, but now you face an appreciation that you are unsure of how to express. You are inspired in a way that you can't explain. Not five minutes outside and it is already more than you can take.

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